Well… we’re six days into the new year.  How ya doin’?  The holidays have come and gone, the ball has dropped (especially the one at Mercedes Benz stadium), and now we are pushed to get back to it.  Goals are being set.  Fitness centers are packed. Politicians have returned to Washington with vigorous spending and contentious divide.  Walkers and runners are breaking in their new shoes unwrapped at Christmas.  School is back in session, and the traveling has died down — with the exception of those who flew Southwest and lost their luggage forever.

It’s time to get back to it.

And while the world tries to spin us faster than the earth’s rotation, the Gospel calls us to come to Jesus and rest.  And so we will.  In 2023, we will BE Gospel-Driven. Together.  For such a crazy time as this.

On Sunday, we’re beginning a strategy to elevate our Gospel vision by sharing a tremendous story.  It’s a Gospel testimony you won’t want to miss.  God has brought Donald & Cristy Stretch to Lifebridge, and they’ve come packed with an incredible story.  You’ll get to meet Donald & Cristy and hear their wild story on Sunday.  You should most definitely bring a friend.  Our worship and music will be strong, we’ll have AT LEAST one baptism, and the Lord will continue His faithful movement of His prevailing Church at Lifebridge in this new year.

But… as we get back to it, how WAS your break?  Did you do our creative Church In A Bag?  I’d love some feedback, both good, bad, and otherwise.

A part of our Church In A Bag included an exercise to “SPUR to serve.”  You were creatively challenged to spur, irritate, and provoke each other to think about serving in the new year.  As we trust and rest in how Jesus served us completely, we can’t help but serve Him as an act of worship.  So what did you decide?  Did you fill out the card?  If so, we are encouraging you to bring those cards to our “SPUR to Serve” table on Sunday.  We want to encourage each other with how God is prodding and leading.

Blessings, Y’all!
Pastor Alan

P.S. – THANK YOU for affording our staff, leadership, and volunteers with a healthy holiday break.  AND, as we took a break, you were also faithful with your giving.  This speaks volumes as to who we are… Gospel-Driven. Together.  May the Supplier of GRACE and all things make your rich in EVERY way so that you can continue to be generous at every opportunity.  THANK YOU LIFEBRIDGE!  Now… let’s get back to it.