God is flat-out amazing.  This week’s birth of my first grand, Calvin Dawes, only underscored the indescribable nature of our Creator.

My daughter Brook had asked her sister Lauren and my wife, Sherry, to join her and Jared for the homebirth of our first grandchild.

When I mention homebirth, what’s your first mental image?  Did you mentally paint a swimming pool in the bedroom with a somewhat hippie midwife and soft mood lighting?  Ding, ding, ding… you would be absolutely correct.  Nailed it.  And it all went down this past Tuesday night.

Amazing was the birthing position of Brook, of which I will most certainly spare you the details.  But it’s designed NOT to stress the birthing mom.  The blow-up swimming pool made for an easier transition from the womb to North Georgia for baby Calvin.  The baby came out of the water, and the midwife blew a slight puff of air into little Calvin to help him breathe outside of mom’s belly.  Crazy.  The thin, white film on the baby was not washed off because it is a helpful immunity, microbiome support gift from God.  The placenta and cord were not immediately detached in order to give Calvin the last few drops of nutrients.  Apparently, placentas like coffee are good to the last drop.  Gently and naturally the baby began to breastfeed because the first drops from mom are packed with immune-boosting life as well.  And I could go on and on about how God’s design was fully utilized within Calvin’s homebirth.

And the result?  Calvin is such a chill baby.  He was 11 days early but weighed in at a very strong 7.5 pounds.  He did have a minor issue from being in the canal for a little too long.  But a beautiful and eye-opening chiropractic adjustment cleared everything right up, and Calvin went into a deep sleep in the doctor’s arms.  God’s design is amazing when we just let it be.

And mom?  Wow.  She was up and walking and smiling and feeling great within minutes of Calvin’s arrival. God is just flat-out, ding-dang amazing. He has a design that works even in our fallen, broken world.

And me?  How did I do?  Well… I was a ding-dang mess!!  I was staying in a tiny house about 50 yards away getting play-by-play from Sherry via furious texts.  I am now dubbed, Gpop Scott.  Amazing.  God is amazing.

I write this to point to our Sunday gathering.  God has a specific design for His church, and it’s all couched in the incredible design of family.  As Jesus followers, we are IN Christ and IN His family.  Some keep this at a non-threatening ethereal level.  But I believe we are supposed to work out the concept of family in real-time with real people at a real, local church– like Lifebridge.

Let’s gather to talk about God’s design of family and to teach through 1 Peter 4:7-11.  You’ve heard God’s revelation of vision for Lifebridge.  Gospel-driven. Together.  You’ve been taught the mission of our 4 pistons from Acts 2:42:  LOVE, FEED, SPUR, & CONNECT.

On Sunday we’ll ask, “Are you IN?”  Will you commit to being a part of God’s family at Lifebridge?  This is not an effort to build up Lifebridge, but rather to be the family of God that matures and grows in the fullness of Jesus.  Below is the “Gospel-Driven. Together. Covenant” we’re asking folks to pray through, consider, and sign.

I’m excited to be with you for the first time as Gpop Scott!  I’m excited to teach. You should most definitely bring a friend who’s searching for family too.
Pastor alan

p.s. –   We have a lot going on this Sunday!  Santa will be here to point kids to Jesus.  We’ll have an Advent reading and lighting of the second candle.  The kids will be singing with us in our service.  Mark Whitechurch is getting ordained as an elder, and we’ll be offering up our “Gospel-Driven. Together. Covenants.”  Whew!  Thanks for being a part of it all.  And thanks, as always (but never taken for granted), for giving.