Years ago, Sherry and I packed up our four small kids and camped across America.  We’re not campers.  We got two tents, a borrowed Coleman stove, and headed west, young man.  We camped on the Grand Canyon rim.  We camped at Bryce Canyon.  We drove down stakes in San Bernadino, California– high atop a plateau that overlooked the awesome pacific ocean.  We made smores, heated up cans of beans, and charred lots of hot dogs on sticks… but most of all we survived.  We survived bugs, tent instructions, KOA showers, and the rigors of convincing little kids “this is fun!”  

But late one night we pulled into Las Vegas to camp in the only Vegas campground at Circus Circus.  At midnight when we set up camp on a grassy parking lot island, it was 102 degrees. “This is fun,” melted quickly into, “But it’s a dry heat!”  This wasn’t fun at all.

After last Sunday, several people concluded our Serve Sunday with, “It’s a good tired.”  And no kiddos, the fun didn’t end on Sunday.  Groups and groups of people have been coming into the Lifebridge building to put things back together and get ready for this Sunday.  The place looks great, but I’ve heard the cliche many times… “It’s a good tired.”  Is it?

I want to make sure our Serve Sunday collides honestly, rightfully, and Biblically with, “it’s a good tired.”

This Sunday, we’ll explore the third piston of our new mission:  SPUR people to serve.  This is a necessary piece of the puzzle, especially after our terrific Serve Sunday.  We’re going to gain perspective this Sunday as to what we did as a body last week, and how this propels us forward.  On Sunday, we’ll be teaching through Hebrews 10:19-25 to make sure it really is a GOOD AND GODLY KIND OF TIRED.

Our serving must be balanced with rest in how Jesus has already served us.  Our serving must be Gospel-driven. Together.  And… as we gather this Sunday, we’ll learn how to SPUR each other towards Gospel, Jesus-centered, and Biblical love and good deeds.

BRING YOUR VISION/MISSION WORKBOOK.  We’ll be back in it!  I hope you will not miss this.  These are such crucial times of teaching as we move forward into this new season of new life at Lifebridge Community Church.

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO, but thank you for spurring each other on for WHO WE ARE in Jesus.
Pastor alan

p.s. –  Last Sunday we gave so much time, and I want everyone to know how much that is appreciated and noted.  I’m incredibly grateful.  Please also consider your financial giving as we come back together this Sunday.  I encourage you to use the link below.  THANK YOU!