Could you allow me to rewind to a few weeks prior? Were any of your Christmas gift exchanges more about getting what you wanted or just plainly, simply, and wonderfully receiving what was given?

We do a couple of family gift exchanges where names are drawn to determine who gives to whom.  There’s even a website called that helps groups of people randomly draw names without putting torn strips of paper into a Santa Claus hat. also asks participants to fill out their wish list of everything they want.  This is the part I disdain.

Instead of surprises and gift-giving efforts born of love and knowing people, you rather become a holiday Instacart shopper to meet what’s demanded. Where’s the ding-dang fun in that?  Such tech-driven gift-giving can feel like we’re assuming a posture that says, “Give me what I want,” instead of, “I’ll take whatever you graciously and lovingly give.”  It’s all in the approach.

On Sunday, we’re gathering to consider how “it’s all in the approach.”

How do we approach God?  Does Jesus see us as demanding or desperate beggars?  What would your prayer life indicate?  What story would your posture towards people and the Church tell?

This weekend, we’re back in the book of Mark with a perplexing and powerful passage from chapter 7… verses 24-30.  Go ahead and take an advanced peek.  Wow.  Is Jesus being rude to this poor woman, or what?  How would you describe her posturing?

It’s all in the approach.

Could you invite a friend to Lifebridge this Sunday?  It’s going to be that kind of Sunday where you’ll wish you had if you don’t.

I’m excited to gather with you and teach.  Last Sunday, with Donald and Cristy Stretch’s story, we kicked off the year incredibly strong.  There were two baptisms, and many poured themselves out at the altar!  And here’s what my week-long, inner prodding has been, “Alan, we’re not done with last Sunday!”

This Sunday, I believe, will be equally moving and powerful– but it’s all in the approach.

See you soon!
Pastor Alan

P.S. – The consequences and bills from the holidays start to come due in January.   I get that, and I know giving can be a challenge, but it’s all in the approach.  Thank you for being faithful and TOGETHER, being Gospel-Driven.