It’s good to glance back, occasionally, in your rearview mirror.

Traveling south from Knoxville to Chattanooga on I-75, both lanes came to a sudden slowdown.  I glanced in my rearview mirror to see if the guy behind me was seeing the same red brake lights that I was.  Nope.  I’m not sure what the person was doing, but what I witnessed was an SUV locking its brakes, swerving right, then left, and then wildly flying off the side of the road and into the ditch.  I dialed 911 immediately and told them what I had witnessed in my rearview mirror.

A glance back can often inform your way forward.

Here’s a video from three of our LBCC elders, taking a look back and forward at our financial picture.  God has been so very faithful through your giving.  THANK YOU!

As you look into your own rearview mirror, you might want to make a year-end contribution to the Gospel-Driven efforts of Lifebridge.  There is a giving link below, which will allow your gift to be marked in real-time.  If you mail a gift, it can be credited as long as it’s postmarked before December 31, 2022.  

If you have any financial or giving questions, please contact Del Groves (LBCC Elder) at

Please remember our offices remain closed until January 3rd.  We will not gather at the building on January 1st, but encourage your great family and Lifegroup time by using our very creative Church In A Bag.  ADDITIONALLY, we encourage you to watch (and comment on) my “Lifebridge ’22 Year In Review” video that will be posted on Facebook and Youtube, January 1st at 10:30 a.m.

Blessings In The New Year, Y’all!
Pastor Alan